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Research in Health Sciences

To encourage research in health sciences in vulnerable population, particularly in the area of women mental, the Trust has instituted Smt Vimala Kulkarni Award. The award with cash prize , certificate & memento, is for any OBG Postgraduate in state of Karnataka for the best original research in women mental health. Submission should be before 30th Nov, every year.


                         Minds United For Health Sciences & Humanity Trust Smt. Vimala Kulkarni Award.


Back ground of this Award:


Women Mental Health is a key issue that is closely related to Health Sciences & Humanity.

OBG Professionals play a crucial role in women mental health and there is a need to enhance efforts. In 2015, with intention to bring OBG & Psychiatry together with focus on women mental health, “Essentials of psychiatry for OBG practitioners” Book was published under Jaypee Medical publishers with contribution of many distinguished seniors across different specialty.


As assured and mentioned in the book that proceedings from royalty of this book will be reserved for work in Women Mental Health, it was decided to institute an annual award for any PG in OBG (DGO-MD-DNB) from India for original research in women mental health.


We are thankful to all contributing Authors to this Book and support they provided for this initiative. 


As this is new initiative & there limited resources we have restricted award to state of Karnataka, however we are continuously working to see if we can extend this to entire country in phased manner as we get more resources.


Thanking one and all.

Dr Sunanda Kulkarni (OBG)




  Eligibility for the award:


1. Any PG in OBG (DGO-MD-DNB) from India. 


2. Any original research in relation to women mental health carried out by Postgraduate Medical Student in OBG


3. Annual award-For Every academic year (submission of four set of hard copy before 1st July-Annual)-  submission of soft copy to and contact details for sending hard copies can be collected from same email ID.


4. Jury of 4 Judges to decide the best paper every year which will have two Psychiatry consultants and two OBG consultants (Equal number of Faculty from Govt & Private Medical Institutions)


5. One Best paper selected (Principal investigator has to be PG) will get Award that includes citation - shield - cash prize


6. Every OBG teaching institute in Karnataka will be informed annually through all possible means about the award.

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